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"Special Needs" during Global Pandemic

“Disabled people are not only the most deprived human beings in the developing world, they also are the most neglected” - Amartya Sen (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, 1998)


Almost everybody at some point in life becomes disabled; those who survive to old age face increasing disabilities. Globally, 15 percent (around one billion) of the world’s population lives with some form of disability, notes the WHO. The Census 2011 reveals that every 10th household in India has a disabled member. Disabled communities, elderly populations and individuals with chronic health conditions are the worst hit by Covid-19. Nonetheless, there is little mention in the media of Covid-19’s impact on their lives when millions are under lockdown.


People with disabilities (PWDs) are more susceptible to viruses like Covid-19 relative to others. We take “hand-washing” as a normal precaution, but PWDs face serious limitations to follow this practice frequently. Besides, there is a lack of public toilets for them. They frequently visit hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Next is “social-distancing”, but most PWDs depend on others due to physiological constraints. A large number of PWDs are homeless, contractual laborers, migrant workers, and beggars.


A distribution of disability aids donation function was held at the initiative of the Indian Red Cross Society Tehatta Sub-Div Branch with the support of ALIMCO (Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India) at Tehatta, Nadia, West Bengal; India on September 29, 2020. There were Braille kit & Smartcane, hearing aids, trail cycle, Wheelchairs, crutches, walking stick, MSIED KIT distributed to the disabled people.

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